Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sick :(

I'm sick. But you know what? I still stuck to my diet and workout plan.
What a beast I am.

I'm taking today off from working out though, because I need a day to let my body recover. 
This week so far, I've been spot on with my diet with NO CHEATS! 
I've even become more motivated at the gym, trying new exercises and working every part of my body.

You know that feeling where a new muscle in your body feels sore? I've had that all week and I love it!
My legs especially.... I've been having knee problems the past few weeks and realized it was coming from the hamstring curl machine (it was once effective, but now the movement just feels unnatural for my knees). I switched back to deadlifts (90 lbs) last night and my hammies feel amazing.

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