Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Week 2

So I'm already basically halfway into week 2. It's 2am and I have absolutely no intention of sleeping soon. Why? Because I'm procrastinating studying for an exam I have in exactly 10 hours. um, barf.

Thoughts on my prep so far? I'm learning what works and what doesn't.
What's working:

  • HIIT cardio. Keeps my heart rate up and burns WAY more calories. It also keeps me less bored, so that's always welcome.
  • My mentality. I've been creeping like crazy on Instagram and have noticed more and more girls prepping in my area. Not going to lie.... it intimidated and discouraged me a bit. But then I realized that comparing myself to someone else won't get me anywhere. I need to bring MY best package, and my success will be measured on my terms.
  • Diet. Not straying too far. I had a cheat since Aunt Flo is in town. Did not feel even remotely guilty. Hit the gym hard the next day and made up for it.
What I need to work on:
  • Sugar intake. I did the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone, and guess how much sugar I was taking in? I don't even want to say at the risk of sounding like a complete douche for being all "I'm so on point with my diet" the past week. As a result of my horrendous discovery, I've decided no more Starbucks, since that was literally the only massive source of sugar (and no, I don't do the whole frappaccino bullshit, which makes the amount of sugar even more shocking). Also, no more nut butters :( My goal is to lean out, and that is 80% attributed to my diet. 
  • Sleep schedule. If the fact that I'm still writing this blog at 2:15am when I have a 6:00am start tomorrow isn't enough proof that my sleep schedule is shit, well then I don't know. 
UGH. I'm not looking forward to this exam. All I want to do is look up competition blogs. 
I need help.

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