Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Listening to My Body

I think when dieting (I don't really like that word, since it should really be a lifestyle change), the most important thing you can do is listen to your body. Just because people eat 4oz of lean protein and half a sweet potato 3x a day doesn't mean I should. I think I'm going to cut sweet potatoes from my diet for the first few weeks since I've noticed a DRASTIC decrease in bloat and stomach issues. I made brown rice the other day for my high carb meal, and it was so yummy!

I've already noticed the difference in eating clean. I feel lighter- literally less weighed down. I don't feel bloat, I don't have weird tummy issues and I feel comfortable! I ate on point yesterday, but had a little bit of my family's stir fry. It's what most people- myself included- consider healthy: colorful veggies, minimal oil, sautéed shrimp. However, it was seasoned with soy sauce and other sodium-heavy condiments. Since my sodium intake has been minimal the past view days, it was a slight shock to my system and I curled up in bed thinking I was going to throw up.

I sound like such a drama queen, but I honestly felt sick! That's what just 4 days of my diet has done to my system. It's good, because it gives me incentive to eat what I know is safe for my contest prep, but it's also scary to think that a cheat meal down the road could potentially make me sick. Regardless, I'm loving the fact that I'm leaning out!

Also, I just checked out the pictures of the winners from this past weekend's NPC Natural Western. The bikini overall KILLED IT. She was the only one that stood out to me when I went to prejudging.... so glad she won. If my tastes are in line with what the judges are looking for, then I think I know how to tailor my prep to get a winning body! yeeeeahbuddy!

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