Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I've realized that the diet part is easiest for me..... and that cardio will be the end of me!

I need to find a form of cardio that I will enjoy. Plyos at home seem like a great idea, especially in the morning! I think that waking up early to workout is easy, but having to make myself remotely presentable THEN drive to the gym THEN drive back and shower THEN get ready for school.... it's a lot. I realize that others do it, so I shouldn't complain.

I know that if I tell myself that I must do plyos at home, I have absolutely no excuse to not do them.

But back to the diet. I've been VERY GOOD. No cheats, no straying. If I do need to improve on anything, it'd be waking up early so that I can get another meal in. My sleep schedule is off track and I don't like the way I feel. However, my body is leaning out. I don't wake up with bloat, I'm not retaining any water since my sodium intake is on point. I LOVE the way my body feels, even though it's sore.

Yesterday's leg workout was killer, but it's back to the gym tonight to do triceps and shoulders!

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