Monday, March 25, 2013

Leg Day!

About to kill my hammies and glutes! 
Also throwing in cardio since I need to lean out. Not my favorite, but it needs to be done!

Hip adductor-  4 sets to failure (increasing weight each set), 5th set drop set

Leg Press- 4x12 (high stance, feet together)

Smith Machine squats- 4x12 (wide stance)

Smith Machine lunges- 4x12 (far-forward stance)

Hamstring curls- 4x12, 5th set to failure

Leg extensions- 4x12

Laying hamstring curl- 4x12

40 minutes on the stair master (broken up into 2 sessions)
10 minutes incline walk on the treadmill
10 minutes jogging

OMG I want to faint even typing this. SO EXCITED! haha

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