Monday, April 8, 2013

Lady Problems and Juice Cleanse?

Guess what decided to come today? 

I basically would just like to eat every sweet in sight and overload on carbs. But I'm stopping myself.
That's not to say that I didn't indulge in some orange chicken. I'M NOT PERFECT OKAY. 
Surprisingly though, my cramps aren't too bad and I'm not that bloated. I'd like to think that this is in part due to my clean eating and healthy lifestyle.

I would like to add that last week my workout schedule was ON POINT. 
I decided to go hiking after my long day of classes, and instead of just walking it, I RAN. 
I RAN A MOUNTAIN. Granted, I took a few walking breaks, but my average heart rate was 169. My hike was around 50 minutes and it felt amazing. I burned around 900 calories- which is substantially more than just endlessly climbing the starmaister at the gym. I think I finally found a form of cardio that I enjoy! 

In other news, I've been looking into doing a juice cleanse for a few days.

I know, I know. It's totally not on the typical bikini-competition-meal-plan, but I want to do it for a few reasons. Firstly, I want to detoxify my body. I'm so reliant on caffeine or sugar substitutes (or just, you know, sugar) that it's unsettling. I need to find a way to rebalance my system. Secondly, I want to lean out. I know.... it's not a conventional way for bodybuilders (did I really just refer to myself as that?) to lose weight, but it's not like I'd be depleting my body of nutrients. I would be including at least 1 protein shake (2 on leg/glute days or days when I'm two-a-daying), so I'd be consuming enough protein to prevent any muscle depletion. 

I'm not one of those girls who wants thigh-gap or a small butt. I want form and definition- it's just hard to have that with a little extra fat. I feel like a 5 or 7 day juice cleanse IN ADDITION to my workout schedule could really jumpstart some fat loss. 

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