Thursday, April 18, 2013


Whoops. I've been so busy with school, work, upcoming finals and planning for my vacation that I forgot to update anything.

One thing about being busy: I eat less. I don't know what it is, but the past week my body has been rejecting food in weird ways. I'm not hungry, and even when I do get hungry I can only eat certain things because I can foresee getting sick. It's weird.... but ok. I'm eating healthier (I honest to God have not had a cheat in 2 weeks).

OH. I would just like to point out that in the past 2 weeks, we have had cheesecake, chocolate cake, brownies, chocolate bars, cookies, ice cream, and muffins in the house. Want to know how much of it I ate? NONE. NOT ONE FUCKING BITE.

Every time I want something sweet, I weigh the pros and cons of cheating and realize that it would indeed be a moment on the lips, but forever on the hips. All horrendously cliche sayings aside, I do believe that momentary satisfaction from unhealthy foods isn't worth wasting an entire workout over. I think about me, sweating profusely on the Stairmaster, and how I would punch myself if I knew that all of that work would be in vain.

So needless to say, I've leaned out a bit. Ignoring minor digestive issues, my stomach has been better and I've noticed a SIGNIFICANT lift in my glutes/hamstrings. I just need to get past this week- which has been emotionally, mentally and physically draining.

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