Thursday, April 18, 2013


Whoops. I've been so busy with school, work, upcoming finals and planning for my vacation that I forgot to update anything.

One thing about being busy: I eat less. I don't know what it is, but the past week my body has been rejecting food in weird ways. I'm not hungry, and even when I do get hungry I can only eat certain things because I can foresee getting sick. It's weird.... but ok. I'm eating healthier (I honest to God have not had a cheat in 2 weeks).

OH. I would just like to point out that in the past 2 weeks, we have had cheesecake, chocolate cake, brownies, chocolate bars, cookies, ice cream, and muffins in the house. Want to know how much of it I ate? NONE. NOT ONE FUCKING BITE.

Every time I want something sweet, I weigh the pros and cons of cheating and realize that it would indeed be a moment on the lips, but forever on the hips. All horrendously cliche sayings aside, I do believe that momentary satisfaction from unhealthy foods isn't worth wasting an entire workout over. I think about me, sweating profusely on the Stairmaster, and how I would punch myself if I knew that all of that work would be in vain.

So needless to say, I've leaned out a bit. Ignoring minor digestive issues, my stomach has been better and I've noticed a SIGNIFICANT lift in my glutes/hamstrings. I just need to get past this week- which has been emotionally, mentally and physically draining.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Semi-Juice Cleanse

I woke up the other day to this:

Ladies and gentlemen, these are my abs. ON MY PERIOD. By some miracle, I did not retain any water and am not even remotely bloated. I think all that happened the day or two before, but this... this is God's glorious gift to me for this week.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm considering a juice fast. I've read that the few days leading up to a fast, you should eat a vegan diet to prepare your body. Well, I'm not patient. Last night, after feeling guilty for eating a little teacup full of ice cream (don't judge- my cramps were asking for it!), I decided to do a semi-juice fast for today. I woke up and made a green juice with spinach, cucumber, apple and ginger for breakfast. My reaction? 

I then went to go study, but stopped by a grocery store to buy some almonds to snack on because I was craving them. Idk why, but at least it wasn't another ice cream craving. 4 hours and 1 ounce of almonds later, I still wasn't hungry. Made another juice- this time with beets, lemon, ginger, apples and carrots. I thought I liked it, but realized that I put too much lemon in it. 

Anyways, I'm still not hungry. Maybe it's because I ate enough for an entire family yesterday, but I'm feeling good! Going to go murder shoulders and triceps tonight. If I feel like I need it, I'll eat some protein before (or after) my workout. I'm easing into a juice cleanse, so I'll allow some healthy solids. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lady Problems and Juice Cleanse?

Guess what decided to come today? 

I basically would just like to eat every sweet in sight and overload on carbs. But I'm stopping myself.
That's not to say that I didn't indulge in some orange chicken. I'M NOT PERFECT OKAY. 
Surprisingly though, my cramps aren't too bad and I'm not that bloated. I'd like to think that this is in part due to my clean eating and healthy lifestyle.

I would like to add that last week my workout schedule was ON POINT. 
I decided to go hiking after my long day of classes, and instead of just walking it, I RAN. 
I RAN A MOUNTAIN. Granted, I took a few walking breaks, but my average heart rate was 169. My hike was around 50 minutes and it felt amazing. I burned around 900 calories- which is substantially more than just endlessly climbing the starmaister at the gym. I think I finally found a form of cardio that I enjoy! 

In other news, I've been looking into doing a juice cleanse for a few days.

I know, I know. It's totally not on the typical bikini-competition-meal-plan, but I want to do it for a few reasons. Firstly, I want to detoxify my body. I'm so reliant on caffeine or sugar substitutes (or just, you know, sugar) that it's unsettling. I need to find a way to rebalance my system. Secondly, I want to lean out. I know.... it's not a conventional way for bodybuilders (did I really just refer to myself as that?) to lose weight, but it's not like I'd be depleting my body of nutrients. I would be including at least 1 protein shake (2 on leg/glute days or days when I'm two-a-daying), so I'd be consuming enough protein to prevent any muscle depletion. 

I'm not one of those girls who wants thigh-gap or a small butt. I want form and definition- it's just hard to have that with a little extra fat. I feel like a 5 or 7 day juice cleanse IN ADDITION to my workout schedule could really jumpstart some fat loss. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Week 2

So I'm already basically halfway into week 2. It's 2am and I have absolutely no intention of sleeping soon. Why? Because I'm procrastinating studying for an exam I have in exactly 10 hours. um, barf.

Thoughts on my prep so far? I'm learning what works and what doesn't.
What's working:

  • HIIT cardio. Keeps my heart rate up and burns WAY more calories. It also keeps me less bored, so that's always welcome.
  • My mentality. I've been creeping like crazy on Instagram and have noticed more and more girls prepping in my area. Not going to lie.... it intimidated and discouraged me a bit. But then I realized that comparing myself to someone else won't get me anywhere. I need to bring MY best package, and my success will be measured on my terms.
  • Diet. Not straying too far. I had a cheat since Aunt Flo is in town. Did not feel even remotely guilty. Hit the gym hard the next day and made up for it.
What I need to work on:
  • Sugar intake. I did the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone, and guess how much sugar I was taking in? I don't even want to say at the risk of sounding like a complete douche for being all "I'm so on point with my diet" the past week. As a result of my horrendous discovery, I've decided no more Starbucks, since that was literally the only massive source of sugar (and no, I don't do the whole frappaccino bullshit, which makes the amount of sugar even more shocking). Also, no more nut butters :( My goal is to lean out, and that is 80% attributed to my diet. 
  • Sleep schedule. If the fact that I'm still writing this blog at 2:15am when I have a 6:00am start tomorrow isn't enough proof that my sleep schedule is shit, well then I don't know. 
UGH. I'm not looking forward to this exam. All I want to do is look up competition blogs. 
I need help.